Title: RE: [SLUG] Problem with Bigpond ADSL

Thanks - didn't think of that test.

If I press enter, nothing happens.  However, I get a response using a get:-

telnet www.bulletproof.net.au 80
Connected to www.bulletproof.net.au.
Escape character is '^]'.

<TITLE>501 Method Not Implemented</TITLE>
<H1>Method Not Implemented</H1>
get to /index.shtml not supported.<P>
Invalid method in request get<P>
Connection closed by foreign host.

I'll keep on testing this and tcpdump.  Any other ideas would be most welcome.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 04:47:35PM +1000, Adam Armstrong wrote:
> I have now spent 17 hours on a problem, and decided I may need some help.

> I have tried to get a Redhat 7.0 box to attach to Bigpond ADSL.  I had it
> connected, pinging and ftp'ing 16 hours and 55 mins ago.  It can also smtp,
> pop3, telnet, everything.

> But I still cannot browse a web site. 

what happens if you telnet to the following places and hit enter a few

telnet www.bulletproof.net.au 80
telnet melbourne.cache.telstra.net 3128
telnet melbourne.cache.telstra.net 8080

does it just hang, do you get a reponse back or conection refused?
John Ferlito
Senior Engineer - Bulletproof Networks
ph: +61 (0) 410 519 382

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