> <quote who="Anand Kumria">
> > It you want to haul someone over the coals feel free to direct it at
> > me and the other 32 sluggers.
> Anand is making a sly reference to the fact that there are now only 32
> official members of SLUG. (Or is that 33? I thought you were part of the 32,
> Anand.)
> Given that there's now just over 500 people on the list, I don't think this
> is too bad a reflection on our organisation. :)

I'm coming in at the tail end of this so I just shoot my mouth off

Jeff while making sly references may seem all good and well, it does
reflect on the organisations marketing ability. Take me for example I
joined as a paying member last march, and have a membership card to
prove it, member #167, exp 31/3/01 and will renew this month (I missed
last months meeting). Since joining I haven't received any
acknowledgement at all, no reminder to renew my membership.

Now contrast this with a car club I joined at the begining of this year
(thats whats taking most of time and money !!!), sent of the cheque, and
got my and acknowledgement and pack of goodies pronto, also quaterly
newsletters etc. While you might this thing a a waste of time and money,
if they aren't there what incentive is there to be a paying member other
that warm fuzzy feeling.

I would also like to ask the of the slug comittee do you actually have a
list of members and email addresses phone number etc, also when fest are
organised do you actually enforce the discounts to only payed up members
(ie proof of membership required) ??? If these thing are done then why
would anyone bother.

Lastly I hope this doesn't offend anyone on the list, as I don't post
that often, but I think there a some constructive critisisms that the
slug comitee should take on board


Mehmet Ozdemir

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

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