On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> > It you want to haul someone over the coals feel free to direct it at
> > me and the other 32 sluggers.
> Anand is making a sly reference to the fact that there are now only 32
> official members of SLUG. (Or is that 33? I thought you were part of the 32,
> Anand.)
> Given that there's now just over 500 people on the list, I don't think this
> is too bad a reflection on our organisation. :)

{checks membership card}

Well I'll be damned. Expired last month.

Reminders would be a good idea, perhaps?

Has Slug got means to renew without attending meetings? I simply can't get
to the meetings these days. Mail/credit card/something else?


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