Craige McWhirter wrote:
> Grahame, for yourself and others who could not make the AGM, my
> enlistment to the committee was soley with "Fests" in mind. "Fests" will
> essentially be my sole SLUG focus and I'm going to be canvassing my


> ideas across the list shortly. The last fest we held, while only low in
> numbers comparatively (about 30) was a enjoyed by all who attended and
> is a style I hope to take to other small and large fests we organise.

30 isn't that low. Some of the initial installfests were over the
hundred probably because they were the first and novel. Slug was also
smaller. We've grown as a result.
> Over the next 12 months I hope to lay a blueprint for SLUG fests that
> will be able to continue rolling regardless of who is on the committee
> each year.
> All ideas are welcome (and will be pilfered).

The pattern I suggested and initially followed was
     InstallFest - get it on the system,
     ConfigFest - tune it, fix it, improve it,
     AppsFest - use it (security, programming, etc all fit into these.

If you have the people to help, then Slug can run one of these a month.

The balance of each will depend on Slug interest.
     - If you want to grow, have quarterly installfests.
     - Inundated with difficulties in some area - put on a ConfigFest
that includes that.
     - And cater for special interests as demanded.

And the big problem is getting people willing to organise.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services <lan/wan, linux/unix, novell>

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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