> I sometimes wonder why Telstra will not support linux for ADSL, as it clearly
> works quite well.  As you have found out (and I noticed as well), getting the
> ADSL connection going under linux took _far_ less time than it did for the
> techie to configure it under Windows (and ultimately stuff it up completely).


i managed to stuff up my interfaces setup sufficiently that after
installing the second nic the box failed to boot... i had to boot from
rescue, mount the right partition, edit the interfaces config and bring
the box back up...  and that was included in the half an hour it took to
install it!!  :)

> It's _very_ hard to diagnose installation issues when Win98 does not have logs
> available.  That scenario comes down to the skills of the techie (and the
> customer sometimes).

it is the techie's skills that prevent them from doing linux... can you
imagine if they got something like the problem recently mentioned here
(caused by the redhat dialler), the techie would be a babe in the

combine that with the owner of the box being a newbie and they would
have a hell of a time... cutting us off from support is a way to save
themselves time/money/headaches...

> Thanks Marty.

that's cool... credit where credit is due... ;)

> I get lots of hits on the page but very little email with suggestions, comments,
> corrections, criticism, or praise.

maybe the lack of corrections/criticism is because there isn't much to
write about... :)

the only thing i could suggest would be indicating that when setting up
the nic, after ensuring it has no config anywhere in the system, the
command to use is:

ifconfig ethN up

simple i know, but it would save a ton of possible questions from
newbies trying to use "ifup ethN" or the like...

you could also point people at firewall assistance... the tool i use
(pmfirewall, www.pointman.org) is a fantastic tool, just answer a bunch
of questions and it writes the ipchains scripts for you... maybe you
could link to a site or page that covers those kinds of tools

the lack of praise really is a sad sign of the gimme, gimme, gimme
attitude a lot of people have these days... :(

> I'm hoping to get my ADSL reconnected soon (as I've just moved residence).
> Updating distros through a 33.6k line is rather _slow_ (12 months ago I thought
> it was quite fast).


progeny 1.0 is the first to benefit... it was getting 30kb/s from
planetmirror when i left home this morning...

to those who can't get broadband, if you have large files or ISOs that
you want to get your hands on, just let me know and i am happy to oblige
with the download and CDR...


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