On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 11:00:39PM +1000, David Kempe uttered:
> > Funnily enough: www.cups.org
> > apt-get install cupsys
> cups is nice. get it. its works nicely and has way more sexy features than
> the others... dead easy to do useful things as well...
No. :-)
Been there, done that. It's web-based frontend is sexy, but the way it handles 
printers is brain dead, and if you don't have a HP, they want you to pay for the 
drivers. I'm more than happy with lprng and apsfilter.
And, when i used it, it refused to print graphics. At all.

> Dave

  "I'm a sysadmin because I couldn't beat a blind monkey in a coding contest."

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