I guess it's OK for you office/IT types to trash your printers but out here 
in the land of chalkdust and sloooooooww internet connections and one 
computer per 25 students most of my work is in preparing document-type 
resources for students. 

Again if you look at domestic PC use, after games, chat, Hotmail(!) and inet 
browsing the things are used for document preparation - Johnnie's Assignment, 
lists, garage sale announcements, banners, birthday cards and every other 
template that Corel or MS have created!

Applications that don't talk simply, without command line interference to my 
printer are just not good enough.

Laurie Savage
earth science @ orange high school

 Many say it was a mistake to come down from the trees, some say the move
 out of the oceans was a bad idea. Me, I say the stiffening of the notochord
 in the Cambrian was where it all went wrong, it was all downhill from there.
                                - The Dean, University of Ediacara

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