On Tue, 01 May 2001, David wrote:

> Noted with interest about the use of "mason" as a potential language for
> the development of the SLUG site... and I need to learn a language for web
> development and database (postgres? mysql?) similar to the SLUG
> requirements.
> PERL, PHP, mason? what the hell is mason? There have also been other
> languages mentioned that I've never heard of.
> I don't know any current language (I was a cobol programmer in the 70's).
> I remember someone on list being incredibly disparaging of PHP.
> A language jihad might guide me (and others?) which direction to take, and
> avoid false prophets. What are the serious strengths and weaknesses, and
> which are ridiculously difficult to learn. Do they relate to other
> languages or are they are a blind alley. Any other thoughts? If this list
> is the wrong place to pose this question, where would be better?

Let the flame war begin :>

I want comment on others I'll just give you my ideas about my
favourite high level/scripting language.

Python (www.python.org) is a nice object oriented language which I find 
quite good for most of my needs. I'll outline pros and cons below.


Cross platform - (unix, windows, macintosh, java(www.jython.org))
Object Oriented - (but not as strict as java)
Quick to learn
Easy to write 3 months after writing
Active development team
Can be extended & embedded with C/C++ modules
White space for syntax
Database interfaces for postgresql (and probably mysql)
mod_python for apache web development

Nothing like CPAN (yet)
Doesn't have a large installed user base (such as perl)
White space for syntax
Doesn't have DBI (well it does, its just not well supported yet)

There is probably a lot I've missed :)



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