On Tue, 1 May 2001, Adam Kennedy wrote:

> Now, I've only done a little bit of PHP, so I think someone else would be
> much better qualified to tout PHPs advantages.

I must say, I quite like PHP for its simplicity and ease of use. I like
knowing the "full picture" of things, and thus can envisage web pages much
easier if I can see the HTML around it too. However, you don't need to
embed as much as you think into the actual HTML, that's what "include" and
"requires" is for. :)

But as to speed of writing, my online journal took about 2 days to
implement (http://www.liedra.net/journal) - it's a mysql (I'd have
postgres but my hosting place didn't have it) db driven journal with full
editing capabilities, etc. I'm planning to niceify it and release it when
I finish some more features (email notification, etc) and make it easy to
edit the default backgounds/settings etc.

I'd love to join in on some webcoding, but I only know PHP (and am
currently learning perl for work, but am still a novice there)... I've
joined the web-devel list anyway :)

If anyone else has some PHP happiness to add here, please do!


 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.

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