David wrote:

> I don't know any current language (I was a cobol programmer in the 70's).
> I remember someone on list being incredibly disparaging of PHP.
> A language jihad might guide me (and others?) which direction to take, and
> avoid false prophets. 

Stick with Cobol. It is still around and in use.
All the others have been fads that have come and gone.

If you want to program under Linux/*nix, then C.

It really is a case of how long does my string need to be, i.e. what do
you want to do with it and why?

If you are looking for contracts, try searching something like jobnet
(http://www.jobnet.com.au) for the instances that each language is
mentioned and rate 3 for essential and 1 for desireable skills (or?). A
few monthly plots might give you an idea of what is hot, coming on etc.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services <lan/wan, linux/unix, novell>

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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