On Tue,  1 May 2001 22:28, Mark Kelly wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am new to Linux but have had approx 10 years with basic Unix admin. Can
> anyone provide a worthwhile Linux course in Sydney (which may lead to
> certfication) for me?

Hi Kel,

I was looking into this for myself, and most of the "certification" courses 
run in Sydney seem to be "Redhat" ones - i.e. it certifies you to use / 
administer Redhat distros only. In fact, a friend who has done the course 
said that you loose major points for not using redhat-specific utilities, 
rather than the "generic" Linux ones.

Another option which may suit is the HP Linux courses - I don't believe they 
are distro-specific (at least not as much as the RHCE ones)... Try hp.com and 
look under "education" - but they ain't cheap.

There is one other possibility - I did an Omniback Administrator's course 
with HP (HP/UX backup software) some time ago, and the guy who ran the course 
also does Linux training. His details are;

Greg Baker
Open Systems Technologies
Ph: 0500 545 856

Worth a telephone call at least - he certainly knows his stuff.


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