There was a Linux Professional Institute Cert. course offered by Turbolinux
Australia as recently as February this year.  You might try Michael Stachanski
who headed up their training for before the merger last month.

The last I heard, he was considering continuing the training.  BTW, Michael came
from a strong unix background, which I guess would make life easier for Mark.

I don't know if this email address is still active for him but try
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  He has also posted to this list from time to time.

TL also have a great private study pack which covers the full LPIC generic


Jon Biddell wrote:

> On Tue,  1 May 2001 22:28, Mark Kelly wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am new to Linux but have had approx 10 years with basic Unix admin. Can
> > anyone provide a worthwhile Linux course in Sydney (which may lead to
> > certfication) for me?
> >
> Hi Kel,
> I was looking into this for myself, and most of the "certification" courses
> run in Sydney seem to be "Redhat" ones - i.e. it certifies you to use /
> administer Redhat distros only. In fact, a friend who has done the course
> said that you loose major points for not using redhat-specific utilities,
> rather than the "generic" Linux ones.
> Another option which may suit is the HP Linux courses - I don't believe they
> are distro-specific (at least not as much as the RHCE ones)... Try and
> look under "education" - but they ain't cheap.
> There is one other possibility - I did an Omniback Administrator's course
> with HP (HP/UX backup software) some time ago, and the guy who ran the course
> also does Linux training. His details are;
> Greg Baker
> Open Systems Technologies
> Ph: 0500 545 856
> Worth a telephone call at least - he certainly knows his stuff.
> --
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> be deleted without being read. Receiving COM and EXE (and
> even VBS) files doesn't bother me, as they don't run under a real
> operating system anyway.
> ---------------------------------------------
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