<quote who="Andy Eager">

> (PS: I'm going to write a nice easy howto about this if someone hasn't
> already.  It all looked much harder than it was mainly due to so  much
> daunting info about sendmail and so little about postfix)

http://www.postfix.org/ has excellent documentation; a little hard to
understand, though, without some experience with MTAs in general.

If you wander through the anatomy section, it starts to make sense pretty
quickly though. MTAs are not always the most simple things to set up,
although postfix does shine when it comes to configuration.

Can't help with profile stuff, though perhaps you might consider Mozilla,
which does this a lot more nicely than its predecessor (yes, Netscape 6 is
most definitely a predecessor of Mozilla!), and has a much better email

- Jeff

      Australians don't dislike Americans, we just dislike the sight,       
                         sound and thought of them.                         

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