On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 11:48:24PM +1000, Jeff Waugh uttered:

> rpm -Uvh <every package listed here>
> That usually gets it out of the way. :) Of course, if there are any
> dependencies missing from those in the list, you will be off hunting again.
> RPM will handle ordering for you.

Yes but I have to go and FIND the damn things first!  Why can't I just
do apt-get install bugzilla and have it worry about the dependencies?!?

> rpmfind.net has to be the best; there are clients for it, as Dan Veillard
> (the rpmfind.net admin) wrote one many moons ago. It was this that scored
> him the job of RHN Dude. :)

The client breaks (segfaults) on RH 6.1.  Doh!

This one goes into my "why RedHat sucks" file I'm compiling.  It has a
few friends including "DHCP package: broken and not fixed for nearly
two years", "Emacs without X: broken" and "Consistently broken man
pages".  Yes this page will be open to third-party additions.

Rev Simon Rumble        Current physical location: London, UK

A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished at the edges.
                -- B. Franklin

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