<quote who="Matthew Davidson">

> Been a while since I've spammed anybody

Yeah! Where's my daily dose of spam? :)

> 11am-4pm Saturday 6th October,
> Dundas Area Neighbourhood Centre
> 21 Sturt St, Telopea, NSW, 2117.

Cool. I'd love to come along, unfortunately this weekend is out for me. :(
How is cat doing these days? Anything I can help with?

If you get stuff like this to me earlier, I can put them up on the SLUG
website for you too. *Might* help. ;)


- Jeff

     "Stick that in your analogy pipe and smoke it!" - On returning the     
                            bulletproof analogue                            

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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