> What is there to be scared of? A stable, well-supported, easy to use, 
> popular, out-of-the-box OS? A professionally-run product launch of a 
> commercially-viable product? After putting up with Linux 
> nothing should 
> scare you, Jon.
> Looking forward to the Linux MS-Bashers running around in a jealous 
> tantrum. Actually - coming to think of it - it would be fun 
> to go to a 
> Linux kernal launch <snigger>. It would be BYO cheese and Pecks Paste 
> sandwhiches; Coke from plastic cups; cheezels and free penguin pocket 
> protectors. Now THAT'S something to look forward to!
> DJ!

Can you say... "flame bait"?

S.  :)


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