Now you have obviously never been to a Linux -based commercial product
The last one I went to had a very intelligent Q & A session which followed a
delicious strong coffee and pastry pigout served on china (Corel).
Before that, another one I went to was somewhat elbow-deep in engineers (HP
demo of Itanium; actually a hardware product demo).
Another one I went to was showing off Linux again, this time it was SGI on
prototype Itanium hardware. Filled an auditorium and was "wowing" people
with visuals.

I have no idea what IBM do at their Linux product launches but their demos
at the show were pretty crowd-pulling just looking at the displays.

As for kernel launches, well certain kernel hackers do tend to pull crowds
at places like Atlanta!

Jill Rowling, Snr Des. Eng. & Unix System Administrator
Eng. Systems Dept, Aristocrat Technologies Australia
3rd Floor, 77 Dunning Ave Rosebery NSW 2018
Phone: (02) 9697-4484 Fax: (02) 9663-1412 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: DJ! [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Looking forward to the Linux MS-Bashers running around in a jealous 
> tantrum. Actually - coming to think of it - it would be fun 
> to go to a 
> Linux kernal launch <snigger>. It would be BYO cheese and Pecks Paste 
> sandwhiches; Coke from plastic cups; cheezels and free penguin pocket 
> protectors. Now THAT'S something to look forward to!
> DJ!

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