Thanx for the info Greg.

AFAIK, the 48KHz is a hardware limitation and the rest was done in software.
The sad thing is that there is very little about it on Google and I think the
issue has been "resolved" as far as the kernel goes.

Hmmm. Ponders the thought of going to alsa...

I think this will be one of the "things to fix" with Linux that I will get
around to doing when I have the time and experience, like getting the Kodak
EZ200 to work with USB.


                de Zwart.

Around about 2107h 03/11/2001, Greg Hosler emitted the following wisdom:
> The via82cxxx_audio driver in the Kernel 2.2 series used "soundblaster legacy"
> support to implement itself. The maintainer decided it was better to go with
> native audio support in the Kernel 2.4 series, and a side effect of that is
> that the sample rate ends up getting locked at 48khz. Not sure if this is a
> limitation of the harware, or just the driver (though I suspect the latter).
> I believe that the ALSA support still uses legacy support.

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