From: "John Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't have any problem with my outgoing IP traffic. My routing
> table is fine. It is IP traffic that should be coming in that is the
> Traceroute shows that the packets are lost on the Telstra network. I can
> sort of work around the problem by masquarading my packets to my PPP
> IP number. But this prevents some applications that embed IP addresses
> within the messages themselves (eg NetMeeting). I would rather have the
> subnet Telstra has assigned me work.

Assuming it's been more than 4 hours since you added the route, give BPD
helpdesk (1800 066 594) a ring, and tell them to find out why your route
hasn't flowed through the network.. - push em hard enough, and they'll flush
the routes right there and then.. (That's always fun to watch.. - sit there
with traceroutes running, and you can see all routes across aus drop, then
(over about a 30-second period) fan out across the country :)

But yeah, if you've setup your routes in custdata, left it until the
4-hourly update (8am, 12am, 4pm, 8pm, unless they've changed it in the last
12 months), but a traceroute from telstra (
doesn't end up coming in your link, it's a telstra fault, and they have 4
hours to find the fault, and a further 4 fix it IIRC.. :)  Don't let them
tell you otherwise.. - I had a route change (from a vic pop to an act pop)
not go through on a friday night, and had the tech on duty on saturday
morning tell me that he wasn't allowed to do a routing reload, and would I
mind waiting till monday morning cause he didn't want to have to get an
engineer out on the weekend to do the reload.. - he ended up getting the
engineer out.. :)



Damien Gardner Jnr   -  Dip.EE  StudIEAust  VK2TDG
Ph: 0417 055 052     -  Fax: 02 6255 8663
-- A hard-on does NOT count as personal growth.

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