Hi Group !

This question is a little off topic but since it is related
to computers and geographical science I might have some luck
asking the question here.

1) Has anyone used the CDROM version of the UBD Street
Directory ? I'd like to hear opinions on the format used here,
do you suppose it's vector or raster based ? This program
is on display at the two-story Dymocks store in the city,
it's pretty cool :) If it does use some kind of vector format,
I wonder how difficult it would be to decompile the data files ?
Would success here be unlikely ?

2) I am looking for simple but to-scale map of the Syndey CBD
area. A flat projection of the streets would be fantastic but a
scale model (including simple boxes for buildings) would really
be the icing on the cake ! Any ideas on finding one ?

3) I have seen one real life scale model in the Town Hall House
in the city, apparently there's another one at the Custom's House
near Sydney Cove, check them out :) I wonder if the modellers
have recorded their data on a computer ? I doubt it would be
given away for free :)

Thanks everyone, i'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts
on the topic ! :)


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