> It is important that this server be down for a minimum of time ie 
> minutes rather than hours. 

Could you not install the new version in a different place, change your 
conf to reflect a different port (eg 8080), start it up and test against 
that port instead of the whole shutdown, uninstall re-install thingo?

> My thoughts are that I should be able to shutdown the existing Apache, 
> unistall the RPM and then do the make install on my new server. 
> Assuming I have the conf file correctly setup, with the web root and 
> doc root in particular, then all I should have to do is to start the 
> new server and we are back in business.

Same here? Conf the mysql port to a different number?

> If that works then I need to do something similar with MySQL as I have 
> 'upgraded' from source over the top of an rpm install and there are 
> stray files all over the place! So shutdown MySql, uninstall the 
> server, get rid of any of the binaries from the source install - 
> taking care to protect my databases - re-install (perhaps the binary 
> version) and re-start.

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