<quote who="Simon Bryan">

> Hi,
> We have just bee trying to install RH7.1 on an old and venerable HP 
> Netserver 5/133 LC. This is simply going to be a Linux terminal in the 
> library to run Netscape and very little else. It is an EISA machine with 
> When we got to selecting a video, we kept getting errors, so we quit, 
> rebooted and tried startx. This failed as it could not find a screen. We 
> tried re-running the install with a different monitor and noticed that as 
> it started there was a message about unknown card and  going to text mode.
> The person working on this has had to go fro the day so we resume in the 
> morning, but I am assuming that the built-in video card is not compatible 
> with Linux and so we are going to try installing another one.
> Does this seem a reasonable assumption?

If the video card function is integrated with the motherboard you won't 
be able to use another plug in card unless there is provision on the 
board to disable the built in one.

If you can find the video chip you may be able to set up X by hand (ie 
not relying on the automatic detection provided by the Red Hat 
installation program)  Another option would be to use this box as a 
server to serve some X terminals which could be made from old '486 

It seems likely that HP would have used one of the common video chipsets 
so once you you know what chip they used you should be able to get X 
working.  Look for a large chip near the video connector.



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