> On Sun, 23 Dec 2001, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Holy cow! Krazy Sunday Linux Challenge!
> >
> > Your challenge, should you choose to accept it is:
> >
> >   Reboot a linux-mipsel machine using only... a running root bash process.
> >
> > You may not execute any program [1], you may not use the switch [2].
> >
> > - Jeff
> >
> > [1] FATAL: kernel too old
> > [2] Miles and miles away, even by one of those fancy-schmancy car thingies.

\begin{Grant Parnell}
> Hmm... the trick would be to find the warm start boot rom address, or even
> the cold start address, then somehow find where the live kernel image is
> in ram and poke into that a whole pile of machine code instructions to
> jump to the warm start address. To do this you'd be using the built in 
> echo command and hopefully sticking stuff into something like /proc/kcore.
> Finding the address is going to be a matter of looking up the specs for
> the CPU and hoping like hell they didn't use a bootstrap rom (ie one
> that's banked out when the system's finished with it). EG at reset a 6502
> looks up a vector at 0xFFFE as a 16 bit address then does a JMP to that 
> address.
> You're really going to need another live machine to do some peeking on to 
> find where you need to poke stuff.

.. i don't get it.

kill is built into bash..

"kill -INT 1" should be equivalent to ctrl-alt-del on the console, and
shouldn't actually need to spawn another process.

(and whats this "kernel is too old" huff?)

 - Gus
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