<quote who="Angus Lees">

> .. i don't get it.
> kill is built into bash..
> "kill -INT 1" should be equivalent to ctrl-alt-del on the console, and
> shouldn't actually need to spawn another process.

Tried that, never worked.

> (and whats this "kernel is too old" huff?)

Well, there's the full spiel... :)

There's a decommissioned Cobalt mipsel machine sitting on a rack far, far
away. I decide to play Debian games on it, and run various things in a
chroot. Works nicely. Then I decide it's time to replace that crazy, old,
hive-inducing, fishmonger of an OS that they come with (it's a very, very
old Red Hat derivative, but they've screwed the pooch on so many counts)...

There's a mispel filesystem image and kernel available here:


So, without much thought (the box was no longer in use), I cp -a the entire
uncompressed filesystem to /, thinking a quick reboot would have me in a
brand new Debian setup (albeit with a lot of mess around it).

Unfortunately, it just landed me with a root bash prompt. Any attempt to
execute *anything* would return with "FATAL: kernel too old". I've never
seen that before; I'm assuming it's from glibc?

Anyway, that's how I got myself into the pickle. Not sure as to whether the
box is back up or booted yet, too much festivity going on between times.

Crazy. :)

- Jeff

                         Grind'n'wink. That is all.                         
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