On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, John Morrissey wrote:

> Make your proxy transparent then they all HAVE to use it.
> It doesn't matter whether you use the Netgaer box or the proxy box for

Erm - yes, it does matter.  If there is a path out of the network that
allows direct HTTP connections outside the network, it doesn't matter if the
proxy is transparent, opaque, or a flaming sword of fire and damnation, you
will be able to *force* people to use it - they can just go and connect
willy-nilly on the Internet without the proxy.  You *have* to shut off
the ability to connect to external port 80s to all except the proxy server.

[To the OP, mostly]

This is not rocket science - to stop people from connecting, you *have* to
block them.  I can't remember whether the Netgear you've got will do it -
honestly, I don't like dedicated routers too much - not enough bang for the
buck, IMO.  If it does do seletive port blocking, you can do it without
putting the Linux box in as a router, but if not, you'll need to find an
alternate way of stopping people from connecting directly.  That will force
them to use the proxy if they want to browse the web.

I've done this config now so often I can do it in my sleep.  Add
internal/external mail into the mix for < $1,000 (including hardware), and
I'm a business' best friend.  <g>

> routing.  Although I tend to agree with Matt Palmer because even an old
> P.Pro linux server with 256mb ram will cream the router every time as well
> as affording the options of a proper firewall, porn blocking etc.  Then they
> can sell their Netgear on e-bay or use it as a coffe stand.

Whee, yet another Netgear router on E-bay.  There's no shortage of them - in
fact, if the people who foist these things onto customers bought off E-bay,
Netgear could stop producing them and we could just have the same routers
going around in circles for ever... <g>

#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer

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