<quote who="paul">

> This i feel is shocking service, we as a group spen more then $800 there
> and they give us this shocking service. I think that SLUG should re-asses
> its dinner arrangments if this is the kind of service that we recive.


We've wanted to go to a different restaurant for a very long time now, due
to indifferent service and the time it takes between arriving and eating.
(Last night, we didn't even get the boiled television entrails! Shock!)

Unfortunately, there are a number of difficulties with this:

  - any further away, and even less people would go to dinner (that said, a
    better restaurant might inspire the longer walk)

  - more expensive, and a large number of SLUGgers just couldn't go (we'd
    prefer to keep it as close to $20 as possible)

  - it's Friday night, and many restaurants aren't interested in taking
    bookings for a large crowd that doesn't wish to pay a hell of a lot

We've tried Mama's Kitchen in the past, which was pretty undesirable
food-wise; ordering in pizzas would be pretty lame if we did it every month;
and so on.

But yes, we are *always* on the lookout for other options; if anyone knows
of a restaurant that fulfills the above criteria [ and doesn't suck, which
should probably be listed up there too ;) ], *please* let us know!

- Jeff

   "There, I did it... I defiled a timeless piece of ART!" - Jim Carrey,    
                          covering I Am The Walrus                          
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