On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 11:36:10AM +1100, Andre Pang wrote:

> That's pretty funky though.  I've never _seen_ graphics in a
> terminal before, even though there's theoretically been support

I assume you're talking about xterm here.  Graphics terminals have been
around for years: the first computer game I ever encountered (1975) was
Moon Lander on a mainframe (Burroughs or IBM, but I've long since
recycled the neurons which remembered which one) running on a vector
graphics terminal.

Even VT-220s could do limited graphics through downloadable character
sets.  I remember using Word Perfect 5.1 on VMS and doing Print Preview
on a VT-220.  OK, so it was a bit chunky, but it gave you a good idea
of how the page would look.


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