On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 05:19:48PM +1000, Simon Wong wrote:

> > heard of Win4Lin.  It runs Windows 9x (95/98/ME) very well, and
> > there are extremely few hiccups with it.  Compatibility is
> > extremely high since you're running Windows inside a virtual
> > machine -- but the VM is _much_ faster than VMware.
> What apps are you running?

I mostly run Word, Excel and Paint Shop Pro 7 under it.  Hardly
demanding applications, but they work well.  Don't expect it to
be a full-blown Windows replacement though; one major limitation
of Win4Lin is that it doesn't emulate a whole lot of memory for
Windows.  By default, it ships with 32MB -- which seems pitiful
if you know anything about Windows, but I'm guessing that they
somehow have a different way of managing memory, because almost
all programs I've thrown at it seem to be very happy with that.

Truly memory-intensive beasts (e.g. Photoshop) will have no fun
under Win4Lin, though.  Version 4 may change that, if you're
really lucky.

> Have you/anyone tried running something similar that needs to talk to
> com/Ir ports?

I think that many people on the win4lin-users mailing list have
got Palm desktop etc to work properly, although a few of them
have problems with it.  However, it's always quite hard to
diagnose whether those users are having problems with Win4Lin
itself, or whether it's a non-Win4Lin related problem.  (e.g.
perhaps their kernel isn't configured properly.)

> > I bought a copy, I'm going to buy another one soon, and I have no
> > idea how I'd live without it.  www.win4lin.com for details.
> > They've mentioned that version 4 is going to be released quite
> > soon, too (within the next few weeks).
> Is there any way to get an evaluation version?  It seems you have top
> patch your kernel as well which seems extreme.  Was it easy?

They used to offer evaluation versions, but not any more.  Oh

The kernel patch isn't too bad, but hey, I regularly patch my
kernels, so I don't find it to be a big deal.  They do keep up
with the latest kernel versions quite well, typically releasing
patches a day or two after the kernel comes out.  (No dice if
you're running 2.5, though.)

One thing to note is that their kernel patches are not compatible
with a lot of the more intrusive kernel patches, like rmap and
preempt.  It does co-exist nicely with the low-latency patches
though, which works very well for a desktop system.

Even with all these problems, I still recommend it fanatically.
I've managed to convert over a few people from Windows to Linux,
and they now use Linux exclusively, which would not be possible
without Win4Lin.  (Yeah, I know that sounds contradictory, but
you know what I mean :).  Being able to run Windows apps reliably
and quickly from Linux when you need to is a godsend.

#ozone/algorithm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          - trust.in.love.to.save
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