At Tue, 16 Apr 2002 12:16:51 +1000, Ben Donohue wrote:
> The secondary MX only stores the email until the primary is back up.
> It then fowards the email to the primary.

depends entirely on how the "secondary" is setup.

there's no reason you can't have an MX over your fast cheap link, then
a lower-priority MX over another, less-desirable link - and have both
addresses resolve the same host. automatic failover in case the first
link is down.

or a beefy mail server, and a smaller mail server willing to help out
during peak times - but both can do local delivery (because you have
NFS mail spool, etc).

> the clients check with the primary only for their email. Is this correct?
> Is there a way to make some sort redundant mail server where you have two
> setup and the client will respond to either one? or is this clustering?

no. you try them in MX priority order. there is no "primary" and "secondary".

(oh how i wish www clients could do a similar thing)

 - Gus
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