> Check /etc/lprng/lpd.perms

Ah thanks. I had created one in /etc

> As distributed in Debian it doesn't allow remote access.
> There are two lines you need to get rid of in that file to allow
> remote printing.
> Find the `REJECT NOT SERVER' line and comment it out, likewise the
> line
> Then do 
>      sh /etc/init.d/lprng restart
> then try printing again.

Ace. It all works fine now.

> If you machine is not behaind a firewall, you'll need to configure
> lpd.perms a little more strictly than this.

Indeed.  will now read lpd.perms man page as I am at a Uni = directly
exposed to the big bad Internet :-)

PS. This came to me just me not slug as far as I can see. Do you want me
to pass this onto slug as well?

Thanks heaps Peter :-)

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