The problem with the system crashing is solved, and all is now well in
the Kendall household.  :-)

As Jan suggested, a good thing to try was dropping the resolution of
the X session down from 1600x1200.  That seemed to stop the crashes.

I also downloaded the updated XFree86 packages, since:

> Red Hat Network has determined that the following advisory is applicable to
> one or more of the systems you have registered:
> Bug Fix Advisory - RHBA-2002:068-06
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Summary:
> Updated XFree86 packages are available
> - A hardware issue has been fixed with ATI Rage XL chipsets being used in 
>   high resolution modes on some Dell and IBM servers which could result
>   in a hard lockup

So I'm back now in 1600x1200, and have been all weekend, and driven the
system pretty hard - 2+ simultaneous X sessions; opening some big
mailboxes (10s of MBs); a full level 0 backup of the system to CDRWs;
download and install of OpenOffice 1.0 (works really well, BTW); got
FSViewer - - the
excellent Nextstep-like file manager, running properly (I just had to
delete an earlier version of its config file); and some other little

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