On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 10:42:27AM +0800, henry wrote:
> Dear List:
>         Thank you, I seems to find a answer.
>         The HTML (as attached )seems suit my need .
> The content shows that grub can boot 2 winOS
> http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/mini/Multiboot-with-GRUB-2.html
> BestRegards'
> Henry

Could you please stop posting with the drivel and waste of bandwidth that is HTML 
posting turned on? please? [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a public mailing list subscribed to by 
many hundreds of people; each time you post a message, multiply that by a hew hundred, 
and think of how much bandwidth is being used. Not to mention hundreds of peoples' 
disk space. HTML in email is useless formatting information that jacks the size of an 
email up by a minimum of a factor of 3, usually. I know others have asked you kindly 
to be more curteous when posting on list, but seeing as you have blatently ignored 
them, a bit more of a public reminder is in order.

I note that you often post to this list requesting help with various problems. If you 
expect others to help you, first help the community by turning HTML "Off", and proving 
you actually care about more than just yourself and your problems solved.

Don't be to afraid to "Ask turn HTML Off". We'll gladly help.

-- Jon Teh

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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