I just noticed after using dump that 100% of the memory in my system is
now in use. I check this also on my linux laptop, after using
'dump' my 412 MB ram had only 12k free.

The command free shows:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        514328     502352      11976          0       4476     345684
-/+ buffers/cache:     152192     362136
Swap:       875500          0     875500

Similarly in my server, after issuing a dump command the whole 3GB of
physical RAM is used! Even after dump is finished the ram isn't freed (I
am running redhat 7.3).

How do I recover the ram in situation like this. With mylaptop I can
reboot with the server I can't!

Can anyone recommend tools for checking and monitoring such things.

Many Thanks,


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