Thanks for all the replies! It all makes sense now.

but I'll also take look at the archives for toher info :)

Many Thanks,


On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, Andrew Bennetts wrote:

::On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 11:57:34AM +1000, Melinda Taylor wrote:
::> I just noticed after using dump that 100% of the memory in my system is
::> now in use. I check this also on my linux laptop, after using
::> 'dump' my 412 MB ram had only 12k free.
::> The command free shows:
::>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
::> Mem:        514328     502352      11976          0       4476     345684
::> -/+ buffers/cache:     152192     362136
::> Swap:       875500          0     875500
::This is actually fine.
::The line that matters in free is the "-/+ buffers/cache" line, which
::shows how much memory is available to applications (by adjusting for how
::much memory is used for the disk cache).  So looking at it again, we
::> -/+ buffers/cache:     152192     362136
::So your apps are using about 150Mb, and you still have about 360Mb free.
::If you look at the top line, you'll notice about 340Mb is used for
::"cached", which make sense after running dump, because you've done lots
::of disk activity.  Linux keeps as much of the disk in memory as
::possible, because RAM is much faster than disk.  However, if more RAM is
::needed for a program, Linux will discard parts of its cache to do so.
::Another sign that you don't need to worry is the "Swap" line shows 0
::bytes used, which means your system hasn't swapped anything out to disk,
::which is only done when real physical RAM is running low.
::I hope this makes it a little clearer.  There's a lack of good, clear,
::non-technical documentation about what those numbers actually mean.
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