Peter Chubb wrote:
> >>>>> "Peter" == Peter Garrone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Peter>  I wonder what the pros and cons are of leaving ones domestic
> Peter> grade home computer powered up continually.  I have one of
> Peter> lionels dual cpu celeron smp motherboards.
> I've found that most of my machines have died in one of two
> circumstances:
>         -- nearby lightning strike, or
>         -- turning on the power.

I would agree. Jill and I have several home machines running; a DEC
Alpha, a Sparcs an Intel and an AMD box.  They are left on all the time
** BUT do listen to the weather reports each evening. **
 If a thunderstorm is predicted turn em off and disconnect the power
leads from the wall. Businesses run UPSes and power surge protection
equipment on servers and they usually cope with a brownout or a stike at
a nearby sub station. Home PCs need that air-gap during a storm :-)

Mike Lake
Uni of Technol., Sydney

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