We were mucking around with something yesterday afternoon and found 
something very peculiar. 

A bit of background, we had a supplier website we used that wouldn't work 
with Mozilla simply because the if-then went something like this:-

if (browser == 'IE') {  display_page } 
elsif (browser == 'Netscape4') { display_page }
elsif (browser == 'Netscape6') { display_page }
else {  display_get_lost_page } 

So we had a guy in (hi Jason Wooley) who we got to modify Mozilla so at 
the click of a button it could change it's ID between IE, Netscape6 & 

Hey presto, the supplier website works.

Now I've been a StGeorge customer for ages and have known that some of the 
features only showed up on IE under Windows. Yesterday I tried again, but 
this time telling Mozilla to pretend to be Internet Explorer and well blow 
me down! Everything worked just fine!, I mean all the scheduling of 
payment options & stuff, I also got the different login screen you get 
when using Windows. 

Now I think this came about because way-back-when, StGeorge was one of the 
first, if not the very first, to offer internet banking. They used Java 
and Java was part of the browser. These days it's not the case, Java's 
separate and they should be checking the java version rather than which 
browser is being used. I'll probably forward this on.

Grant Parnell - senior consultant
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