> What is a good firewall to use?
> I know of iptables and smoothwall.

iptables is the tool that we use to configure netfilter, the underlying
packet filtering system in Linux.

smoothwall is an integrated firewall product that uses iptables and
netfilter underneath.

> Is there any other Firewall that I can use or that would be good?
> I am using Debian Woody and the firewall will sit behind a TPG ADSL
> Router.

It sounds like you're looking for a firewall product, rather than just the
technology used by them. I'd recommend e-smith <http://e-smith.org/>, which
integrates quite a number of functions into an easy-to-use system.

Note that most of the firewall products are complete distributions
themselves. e-smith installs from CD, smoothwall is floppy-based, etc. If
you want to use Woody as your firewall, you will need to learn iptables, or
use an firewall construction utility, such as Lokkit, firestarter or
- Jeff

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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