On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 08:18:23PM +1100, Lance Bell wrote:
> After booting of the installation failed

Where does it fail? Does the kernel start?

> I noticed that the silo.conf on the
> woody cds points to /boot/sparc64.gz as a boot image
> but there is no sparc64.gz on the cd however there is
> what appears to be an uncompressed boot image
> spark64. There is a /boot/sparc32.gz on the disc
> If I type "rescue" at the boot prompt the silo.conf points to
> the sparc32.gz boot image. this starts to load but fails.
> That makes more sence does it?

Not sure about that.

I have never installed woody onto a sparc box directly. I have allways 
dist-upgrade from potato. I have an Ultra 2 lying round here, so I
just tried booting a potato (2.2r3) cd on it:

Sun Ultra 2 UPA/SBus (UltraSPARC-II 296MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 3.11, 512 MB memory installed, Serial #11338470.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:ad:2:e6, Host ID: 80ad02e6.

Silo gives me:

                  Welcome to Debian GNU/Linux 2.2!

This is the Debian Install CD. Keep it once you have installed your
system, as you can boot from it to repair the system on your hard disk if
that ever becomes necessary.

In order to proceed, you must tell the SILO bootloader the CDROM type. Press
either 'I' (for IDE CDROM drives) or 'S' (for SCSI CDROM drives) below. If
neither of these works, then you will need to type in the full name of the
actual device. Pressing 'O' will give you more info on device naming.

WARNING: You should completely back up all of your hard disks before
  proceeding. The installation procedure can completely and irreversibly
  erase them! If you haven't made backups yet, remove the rescue CD from
  the drive and press L1-A to get back to the OpenBoot prompt.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted
by applicable law.

[ S - SCSI ]  [ I - IDE ]  [ O - OTHER ] -- This CD uses Linux 2.2.15

I answer S for SCSI, and the install starts.

I end up at the Debian install menu:

I am not quite ready to blow away solaris on this box yet, so I havn't 
gone any futher. I am downloading a woody cd right now, and I will test that.

       +---------+ Debian GNU/Linux Installation Main Menu +----------+
        |                                                              |
        | There are no "Linux swap" partitions present on the system.  |
        | A swap partition is used to provide virtual memory for       |
        | Linux. Please select "Next" from the menu to partition your  |
        | hard disk. Use the partitioning program to add "Linux        |
        | native" and "Linux swap" partitions to your disks. If you    |
        | don't want a swap partition, select "Alternative".           |
        |                                                              |
        |   +---------------------------------------------------+      |
        |   | Next     : Partition a Hard Disk                  |      |
        |   | Alternate: Do Without a Swap Partition            |      |
        |   |                                                   |      |
        |   | Configure the Keyboard                            |      |
        |   | Partition a Hard Disk                             |      |
        |   | Initialize and Activate a Swap Partition          |      |
        |   | Activate a Previously-Initialized Swap Partition  |      |
        |   | Do Without a Swap Partition                       |      |
        |   | Initialize a Linux Partition                      |      |
        |   +---------------------------------------------------+      |
        |                                                              |

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