Thanks to the list for helping me sort out samba.
Just in case anyone else has problems I found the following document really useful (thanks to someones suggestion)
The problems was my Windows TCP/IP settings.  In the advances options in the TCP/IP properties under the WINS tab I enabled NETBIOS over TCP/IP and added the ip address of my Linux box to the Wins address list and it all works.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 5:34 PM
Subject: RE: [SLUG] SAMBA

When you specify "<linuxbox>" in the net use command, are you specifying
a netbios name, or an IP address?

I temporarily used your configuration on my samba server, and when I
tried to connect to it from windows 2k by specifying the netbios name,
windows simply refused to acknowlege that the linux box existed.

I then specified the ip address in the net use command, and it worked

I think that this may be the answer to your problem!

All the best,

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