On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 20:59, LS wrote:

> However from Linux I can ping "localhost", the IP address I allocated
> for eth0 and the loopback IP . 

You will (almost) always be able to do that. All it means is that the
computer is able to communicate with itself.

> I've attached a log file called "etho.logs" that
> shows the output from each of these commands.

all looks good. It's eth0, not etho btw, meaning the zeroth network

> --------------------------------------------------------
> C:\>ipconfig
> Windows 2000 IP Configuration
> Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
>         Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
>         Autoconfiguration IP Address. . . :

And here is where the other problem is. That is *not* an internal (as in
LAN internal) IP address. That is an IP address that is (or should be)
visible on the internet. Now, all the other reasons this is bad aside,
you won't be able to contact the linux box because the linux box and the
windows box are on different networks.

I'm not entirely sure why you have your computer configured this way,
but one solution is to use manual configuration for the IP address of
your windows machine's ethernet card and set it to an address on the
same subnet as your linux computer. Something like with a
subnet mask of Of course without knowing why it was set
this way to begin with, there is every chance you'll break something

I read something on tldp when I was first learning to do this. It may or
may not have been this document:


but either way I'd say it's worth taking a look at.

>         Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
>         Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

> Again I have pasted what I saw in this file. I can see that
> eth0 points to the right driver.


> >> 
> >> > 
> >> > I'm pretty sure I did netconf as quoted below.
> >> > 
> >> > Would upgrading to a more recent Linux distribution package solves 
> >> > this problem ?
> >> 
> >> good question. One to which I don't have a specific answer. 
> >> I will say that Redhat 8.0 (and the 8.1 beta, from looking 
> >> over people's shoulders at work) is a huge leap forward. I 
> >> would be surprised if you installed redhat 8.0 and your card 
> >> didn't work, but I don't actually know, and to be fair I'm 
> >> surprised you are having as much trouble as you are. A few 
> >> pointers if you do decide to:
> I am considering upgrading at some stage but I'm sure Red Hat 7.2 
> Should not have that many problems. It detected the ethernet card.

fair enough. Once you get it up and running there are utilities you can
get to update parts of the distro, or all of it, by downloading the
relevant bits from the internet. apt-get and up2date are the two common
ones on redhat.

> One thing though I remember whan installing Linux there 
> was a question about type of security to use. I don't remember all
> the details, like if it was applicable to network
> connection, but I selected medium. Actually I just rebooted
> Linux, and while booting I saw something that says
> "Applying IP chains firewall rules  [OK]".
> Is there a way to check if Linux install has put a firewall
> there ?

yeah, if it's an ipchains firewall you do

    ipchains -L

likewise if it's an iptables firewall (which is what I would expect, but
maybe I'm being optimistic), you'd do

    iptables -L

If you want to shut down your firewall temporarily, you do

    /etc/rc.d/init.d/ipchains stop

- I had assumed you'd be using iptables, which is why it said 'iptables'
the first time I quoted that command. Running both variants won't hurt
and you can then be sure that there is no firewalling.

> Also another question I have what is the default gateway and
> What do I normally allocate for this?

umm. If you really want a good answer to this I highly recommend Richard
Stevens series of books about networking: TCP/IP Illustrated. His "UNIX
Network Programming" book is also excellent.

The very very short answer is that a default gateway is a computer that
connects to the internet on your behalf. So, from your ipconfig output
above it looks like your windows box connects to the internet, so you'd
specify the ethernet IP address of your windows box as the default
gateway for your linux box. You would then need to set up "Internet
Connection Sharing" on your Windows box to allow your Linux box to get
to the internet. IIRC Windows will act as a DNS proxy as well when you
turn on ICS, so I think you can specify it as the DNS server as well. If
not, then set your Linux box's DNS server to be the same as your Windows
box. Windows should then forward the DNS queries to your ISP.

> When playing around with netconf and browsing the web
> I read about setting up a default gateway for external 
> connectivity.

Yep. That's what it's for. The default route is the route packets go
through when the kernel can't find anywhere else for them to go (the
local network say). Specifying a gateway machine (SNATting router) as
your default route will send these packets to the internet which is
probably where they belong.

> I'm sure learning a lot from all of this.

Goodo. Read tldp - you'll learn lots more than I can tell you.


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