> I've been allowing access on an IP basis, however this isn't ideal (we use
> dhcp) and I'd like to be able to block/allow access on a user-level basis.
> Now, I understand that this can be done with PAM. Is winbind also
> required?

you can do this with Squid and the NTLM stuff I think.. or you could use
pam_smb, this will make the user enter a password though, which probably
isn't wha you want.. so I think the NTLM stuff is more suited I think...

again I could be way out ...


> What documentation exists about this?
> Mike
> ---
> Michael S. E. Kraus
> Administration
> Capital Holdings Group (NSW) Pty Ltd
> p: (02) 9955 8000

David Airlie, Software Engineer
http://www.skynet.ie/~airlied / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pam_smb / Linux DecStation / Linux VAX / ILUG person

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