On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 10:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The Samba server is a PDC (internal machine).  Squid runs on the 
> gateway/firewall (seperate machine). Both are Mandrake 8.2 machines.
> Squid is installed via the squid-2.4.STABLE4-2mdk.rpm (from Mandrake). Is 
> it possible to test if './configure --enable-auth-modules="SMB"' was used.
> Forgive my ignorance - what would squidguard provide?

Squidguard provides *very* little that isn't in squid itself. The real
value of squidguard is in the external databases folk have created, that
categorised large chunks of the web into porn / adverts / shopping etc.

A few comments though:
- Update to squid 2.5 Stable 2. (Grab the latest snapshot from
squid-cache.org - it's *about* to be labelled Stable2).
- squid -V in squid 2.5 and above will tell you the configure line.
- The helpers are plugins, so the configure line doesn't really tell you
much about what helpers are available.


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