Angus Lees wrote:
At Tue, 25 Mar 2003 19:42:22 +1100, Stewart wrote:

Well, time came to bite the bullet and go Debian. This afternoon I downloaded the net installer using wget on my Mac. Only it seems that wget fetched it in ASCII mode, aargh...

$ file woody_netinst-20020626-i386.iso
woody_netinst-20020626-i386.iso: ASCII text

is there some way to convert it to binary? my bandwidth usage is already way over for this month...

Sorry but I'm going to have to contradict someone on this list for the second time in two days.

Your ISO file is probably fine.  file(1) sometimes accidentally
thinks that a non-ASCII text file is actually an ASCII text file,
such as when it begins with a bunch of text-y looking stuff and
a few LF or CR/LF sequences.  ISO images often contain exactly
that, as do ANSI tar files and some format cpio archives.

Try using "isovfy" on your image and see what that says.  If
isovfy likes it then your image is fine and you have no need
to convert it to anything, let alone binary.

easiest (and most robust) would be to rsync this file against a good

Correct, if isovfy says it is corrupt.

Also compare the md5sum of the file with the MD5 checksum, often posted
on the same web site as the ISO image.  If the MD5 sums are different
the file is corrupt.  If they are the same then there's only a 1 in
2^128 chance it's corrupt.

perhaps your .iso file isn't an iso at all, but a nice HTML error page
saying "file not found" or somesuch.  have a look at it and see.

That is of course entirely possible.


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