<quote who="Adam W">

> > I presume you're aware that ps/pdf is a vector format and tiff is a
> > raster format, and are aware of the implications that has on image size,
> > quality, etc.

Not sure who this was in the context of the thread... PDF is slightly more
interesting that just a 'vector format'... Anyway. ;-)

> Maybe we're talking different tiff formats... See in our office we have
> one of these panasonic DigiFax, which scans and emails you a tif of the
> "fax". You open it in this kodak program(or really any image viewer), and
> it supports multiple pages within the one tif file.

Yeah, TIFF supports multi-page images. I usually find it easier to convert
these into PDF files anyway, because "everyone has a PDF viewer" whilst
hardly anyone has a decent multi-page TIFF viewer handy.

- Jeff

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