<quote who="Bernie Pannell">

> > From: Jeff Waugh
> >Digital Video Camera
> > 
> >  Committee agreed to spend ~$2500 (a very rare large expenditure) on a
> >  digital video camera to record SLUG talks and events. Everyone has seen
> >  Jan behind the camera at our meetings, it also came in handy in Perth
> >  for linux.conf.au. ;-) Thanks to Jan for doing the research, keeping it
> >  safe, and being SLUG's head cameraman!
> I'm interested in this... are the recorded talks & events available
> publicly?  I'm in Gosford & haven't managed to make any SLUG meetings
> yet...

Not thus far. We're looking at the best way of distributing them so that
there's a reasonable balance between quality and quantity. We could make VCD
discs, but they would probably only contain one or two videos!

Jan is working on this atm, and we'll definitely announce it when we make
the videos widely available.


- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2004: Adelaide, Australia         http://lca2004.linux.org.au/
   "When you're running, you want to run as far as you can, and you can't
                 run further than Australia." - Jacek Koman
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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