On Thu, Apr 03, 2003, Intelligent Dynamic wrote:
> G'day all...
> Using Debian Woody... I've installed the kernel source and packages
> (unpacked the kernel and applied a patch to it) ...
> I'm about to compile and make a new kernel the traditional way,
> however I can remember someone saying an easier way to do it under
> Debian?

I'm not sure it's easier, however, it's not harder, and it produces a
.deb file at the end.

It *is* easier when you need to install the nVidia drivers, because you
can compile these against your kernel tree (or against the kernel
headers of stock kernels) and install them as .deb files.

To compile a kernel the "Debain way", install the kernel-package package
and read the files in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package - particularly
README.gz - for instructions.

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