> I want to run some software that is only certified for RedHat, but 
> would prefer not to use that, so need to find out what RedHat 7.3 (or
> 8) actually is, like what versions is it using eg. kernel, xfree, 
> glibc ... and what what it's compiled with (gcc-2.95 or gcc-3.?)

If the software interacts with the kernel (e.g.: it includes kernel modules)
it may be more complicated that just matching versions; you may need to
install the RedHat kernel source code, and build yourself a kernel using it
before the modules will load.  This is by no means impossible, but it's not
exactly trivial either.

There may also be problems caused by the differing layouts for directories
and so on; again that depends on what the software is, and also how
different the distribution of Linux you are using is.   

 - Doug

(ob-disclaimer: these are my opinions, not compant opinions, etc etc)
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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