----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gareth Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] squid authentication with winbind.

> Yeh it took me 3 days (on and off) to get squid+winbind (authenticating to a
> Win2K in^H^HActive Directory) working on FreeBSD.  You ask if there is any
> additional testing you can do.  Here are my suggestions:

Thanks James

> 1. Did you test the "wb_auth" helper as described in the URL you gave in
> your original message? What was the result?  (FAQ-23: Section 23.5, scroll
> down to "Configure Squid" and just below that is "Test the helpers").
> Remember "wb_auth" is a squid helper whereas "wbinfo" is a SAMBA
> component...dont confuse the two ;)  If wb_auth doesn't exist, you need to
> compile squid with winbind options.

Hmm I think you found something, wb_auth only gives this output
]#wb_auth -d
/wb_auth[17721](wb_basic_auth.c:168): basic winbindd auth helper build May 29
2003, 15:45:56 starting up...
mydomain\myuser mypassword"
/wb_auth[17721](wb_basic_auth.c:129): Got ''"' from squid (length:25).

and it ends there nothing else

> 2. Did you build squid with *ALL* of these?:
> --enable-auth="ntlm,basic"
> --enable-basic-auth-helpers="winbind"
> --enable-ntlm-auth-helpers="winbind"

Sure did, cut and pasted. here is the config line out of config.status

./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/squid-2.5 --enable-auth=ntlm,basic --enable-bas
ic-auth-helpers=winbind --enable-ntlm-auth-helpers=winbind

> 3. What is in your squid.conf file?  Did you add the authenticator lines
> _exactly_ as on the FAQ-23 page?

Yes, cut and pasted, making the path adjustments for my --prefix

> 4. Did you restart squid after editing squid.conf?

> 5. After restarting squid and testing with a browser what is in squid's
> "access.log" (usually in /var/log/ or /var/log/squid/)?.  What browser are
> you testing with?  What does it say?  How are you logging in with the
> browser?  I've had instances where the triple field dialogue box in windows
> with IE doesn't work as expected.  You are asked for
> username/password/domain but it wot authenticate.  BUT if you enter
> "domain\user" in the username field, and leave the domain field blank
> (password as normal) it will authenticate.  After that you can use all 3
> fields again.  I've never figured out why IE does this occasionally, but it
> seems to be after people leave a session idle for a long time, but not
> always.
> That's about all I can think of at the moment.  You've done the hard part;
> winbind is working! :-)  Squid "Just Works (tm)" if you compile and
> configure it per FAQ-23 (23.5 specifically)....did you miss/skip something?
> Cheers,
> James

I am using IE and Mozilla, neither one ask for a username/password if I get rid
of the ntlm lines in squid.conf
then it pops up a dialog and works but otherwise all it does is fail.

I have checked and rechecked it. :(

Any ideas?

---Gareth Walters

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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