Hi all.

I've got an old machine that used to have Linux Red
Hat 7.1 on it as a stand-alone machine.  I had to
return to the World of Windows for work purposes, but
have finally lost patience with it after IE6 crashed 6
times in 1.5hrs while trying to redesign a web site. 
I have since reinstalled both Red Hat 7.1 and Mandrake
8, but both of these are so painfully slow I have had
to reinstall Windows to get some productivity back. 
The big stats are:

The machine:
Model: HP Vectra 400VE
Processor: Intel Pentium 200MHz MMX
RAM: 128MB
HDD: 2GB (with such a small HDD I've been forced to
completely wipe the drive and have only the one OS on
there at a time, which i can live with)

The History:
- Originally ran Win NT 4.0 for work purposes
- Installed Red Hat 7.1 stand alone -worked fine
- Installed Win98SE
- Installed 3Com 3C905B PCA 10/100NIC and SB ISA
soundcard -worked fine
- Reinstalled Red Hat 7.1 -poor performance
- Installed Mandrake 8.0 - poor performance
- Reinstalled Win98SE -works as well as it can (good
performance but terrible stability)

The problems:
- Booting takes approx. 3-5mins from power on to login
screen, then about 2mins to desktop
- Menu performance slow -approx 10-20sec response time
- Applications slow to open: 45-60sec for browser,
20-30sec for Home directory, to log off took about
1min etc
- Network detections doesn't work: 15sec timeout from
Drakconf under Mandrake
- Internet connection OK, but loading time slow:
approx 30sec for Google to load after finding site
- Sound doesn't work, but that's no big problem, I can
live without sound.

When I ran Red Hat as a stand-alone, none of these
problems were apparent: booting was about 1min from
power on to desktop, menus and applications appeared
fine, and I didn't have a SOHO network or I'net
connection, so the other two were not an issue.

I can guess the cause is the new NIC and sound card,
but how do I increase performance:
- Is there a way to limit the processes that need to
load but still have an OK machine?
- Will physically removing the sound card help?  I
want to still use the I'net so removing the NIC is not
an option
- I have a choise of distro to install: RH6.2, 7.1 and
8, as well as Mandrake 7.2, 8 and 9.  Will installing
one of these help with performance?
- Is there something else that could help that I
haven't thought of?

And before anyone else suggests it, yes I am going to
get a better machine, I'm just getting the money

Look forward to your answers.

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