
I ran Mandrake 7.1->8 on a crappy P1 166 with 32mb of ram
and your just overloading your system. Linux is very 
deceptive it will allow you to overload the hell out of 
your system and still work but things just get slower.

I could get my old P1 166 to load Mandrake 8 in under 30 
seconds to the GUI.

So how did I do it.

1. Check what services your running moneys on your running
services that have no use to you, and Mandrake is great at
turning services on that you never use. You can check what
services are running under "drakconf" services are under
the system menu.Also I used to disable the hardware detection
on bootup I found this recovered about 10 seconds alone.

2. Forget the KDE and Gnome GUI your wasting your time with
a 200mhz machine try either XFCE or Icewm or something that
isn't as intensive as Gnome or KDE. You might want to look 
at getting rid of the fancy graphical login too.

I used blackbox (GUI)for a whole year and I could get it to boot
up after login on a P1 166 in less than 15 seconds.

Hope this helps

Richard Neal

GPL                 MICROSOFT

On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 17:34, Beej Bassman wrote:
    Hi all.
    I've got an old machine that used to have Linux Red
    Hat 7.1 on it as a stand-alone machine.  I had to
    return to the World of Windows for work purposes, but
    have finally lost patience with it after IE6 crashed 6
    times in 1.5hrs while trying to redesign a web site. 
    I have since reinstalled both Red Hat 7.1 and Mandrake
    8, but both of these are so painfully slow I have had
    to reinstall Windows to get some productivity back. 
    The big stats are:
    The machine:
    Model: HP Vectra 400VE
    Processor: Intel Pentium 200MHz MMX
    RAM: 128MB
    HDD: 2GB (with such a small HDD I've been forced to
    completely wipe the drive and have only the one OS on
    there at a time, which i can live with)
    The History:
    - Originally ran Win NT 4.0 for work purposes
    - Installed Red Hat 7.1 stand alone -worked fine
    - Installed Win98SE
    - Installed 3Com 3C905B PCA 10/100NIC and SB ISA
    soundcard -worked fine
    - Reinstalled Red Hat 7.1 -poor performance
    - Installed Mandrake 8.0 - poor performance
    - Reinstalled Win98SE -works as well as it can (good
    performance but terrible stability)
    The problems:
    - Booting takes approx. 3-5mins from power on to login
    screen, then about 2mins to desktop
    - Menu performance slow -approx 10-20sec response time
    - Applications slow to open: 45-60sec for browser,
    20-30sec for Home directory, to log off took about
    1min etc
    - Network detections doesn't work: 15sec timeout from
    Drakconf under Mandrake
    - Internet connection OK, but loading time slow:
    approx 30sec for Google to load after finding site
    - Sound doesn't work, but that's no big problem, I can
    live without sound.
    When I ran Red Hat as a stand-alone, none of these
    problems were apparent: booting was about 1min from
    power on to desktop, menus and applications appeared
    fine, and I didn't have a SOHO network or I'net
    connection, so the other two were not an issue.
    I can guess the cause is the new NIC and sound card,
    but how do I increase performance:
    - Is there a way to limit the processes that need to
    load but still have an OK machine?
    - Will physically removing the sound card help?  I
    want to still use the I'net so removing the NIC is not
    an option
    - I have a choise of distro to install: RH6.2, 7.1 and
    8, as well as Mandrake 7.2, 8 and 9.  Will installing
    one of these help with performance?
    - Is there something else that could help that I
    haven't thought of?

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